Simmer Style WA Slalom 2017/18

Well another season gone and another great series of racing had.


This year the Slalom Series welcomed new sponsor Simmer Style WA with Jesper providing the door prizes for each round.

The level of racing keeps getting better each year and was great to see this event attracting interstate and international sailors as well as newcomers to the slalom scene

Through most of the 6 rounds the top 3 were only separated by a few points. This was evident as the last round the leaders were tied in points.

In the end we congratulated the winners:

Champion – Michael White

Vice Champion – Claude Lecoq

3rd Place – Shane O’Neill

Champion Woman – Jo Wellings

Junior Champion – Kai Dunn


Massive thanks to the SBYC Crew, all that competed, and volunteers on the beach.

Looking forward to next season already



PS. Did I hear rumblings of a PWA qualifying series?