
A very important part of your WWA membership is the Public Liability Insurance that it provides. Here are the details on the policy held by AWA (Australian Windsurfing Association) covering all members of state windsurfing associations such as WWA.  For full policy details head to the AWA Insurance page.

Period of Cover

The policy is renewed each year to cover the period from 1 July to 30 June.

Limit of Indemnity

The policy is for Public Liability and covers up to $20,000,000 for any single occurrence. In addition to regular windsurfing activities, the policy also has the same limit of indemnity for events organised by WWA.


There is a $1,500 excess or deductible for each and every claim.

Territorial Limits

The policy covers members whilst windsurfing overseas (excluding USA & Canada) when windsurfing. As is normal for these policies, Australian Jurisdiction applies meaning that should an incident occur and someone wants to take action against a member of AWA, the case would be heard by an Australian court.


If you require information about making a claim, please read the Incident Notification page.